Good Reads and More

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The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming by David Wallace-Wells

"The Uninhabitable Earth is the most terrifying book I have ever read. Its subject is climate change, and its method is scientific, but its mode is Old Testament. The book is a meticulously documented, white-knuckled tour through the cascading catastrophes that will soon engulf our warming planet.” —Farhad Manjoo, The New York Times

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Doughnut Economics: Seven ways to Think Like a 21st Century Economist by Kate Raworth

Despite the sub tittle, this book describes a simple approach to economics. It "recognizes that all economic activity is embedded within the Earth's living systems and within society. Also that we are are citizens,members of families and communities" (comment by George Monbiot in Out of the Wreckage)

There is also a great YouTube video by Kate Raworth, presenting the same ideas "Doughnut Economics - Kate Raworth. 

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Out of the wreckage: A new politics for an age of crisis by George Monbiot

Starting with Stories, Values and Principles, he describes a "politics of belonging" The book contains a great deal fo common sense, and is full of creative suggestions.  as well as much clear thinking about politics, society and economics. It is an easy read and is well researched.


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Beyond Banksters: Resisting the New Feudalism, by Joyce Nelson

I heard Joyce Nelson speak and wondered about Bank of Canada and whether its role is being limited. I wondered specifically whether the GPC has a policy on the central bank and its role in our economy.  Thomas suggested I post the name of the book here.

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‘Hope in the dark’ by Rebecca Solnit



‘Hope in the dark’ by Rebecca Solnit, for anyone who needs a boost of enthusiasm for why we serve.

Start by reading this collection of her best quotes from the book

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Books and Videos that Inspire



Recently we have had a number of folks in our Green Community mention some fascinating books that have crossed their reading list.

We also had a hugely successful movie night, followed by an animated discussion that unpacked the underlying messages of the movie. so we thought it's time to create a blog where we can share these great finds with each other.

I'm currently reading this book and will comment on it more later.


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